Sunday, March 16, 2014

a zine i gave up on

this is a zine that never was
i had big plasn for it but basically it never worked out because i had very few submissions
and now i dont even know if it was a good idea
i just hope someday a project of mine works out

Saturday, March 15, 2014

bad week

this was my first time using watercolour and fo course it looks like shit but it was fun and now i know i love watercolor i wanna do like those drawings you see on japanese blogs of croissants and shit with lots of watercolor you know what i mean

i tried to do a line observation drawing of a building but it was terrible i fucking hate line drawing and building
actually i think single line drawing is cool but i can't do it at all
i dont like doing it

this is a drawing based on "Chop Suey" by Edward Hopper. i want to watercolor it but this paper can't take  watercolors it so i don't know what i'm going to do

im tired and i just cant draw